The creators of Raspberry Pi have introduced an enigmatic version of their own Linux-based Pixel operating system (OS) for both Windows and Mac PCs as announced by the company. Earlier; it had compatibility issues and was originally created to run only on Raspberry Pi Computers as an educational tool in 2012. In April last year, the Raspberry Pi officially became the most popular British computer ever made with more than 10 million units being sold.
The OS is based on the version of open source Linux software also known as Debian. It included effective productivity and coding tools as well as installed Chromium web browser. It was discovered that Pixel was loved by all and hence the team came up with the decision of making Pixel compatible with other hardware. The founder Eben Upton expressed that if people loved Pixel so much, it should not just run on Raspberry Pi hardware. One of the most innovative designing was done to make it compatible to Mac and PC users. The objective was so clear to provide one of the best commuting experience.
Upton encourages people to use Raspberry Pi as it is very easy to try. He recommends people to arrange back for data protection and safety. In order to re-boot the devices, you can firstly download the image, burn it either in a DVD or a USB stick. For a Mac, you just need to hold the “C” button down for a reboot.
The version for desktop lacks in basic two attributes: Minecraft and Mathematica, as these programs have not been licensed to be used on other machines.
The founder of Raspberry Pi, Mr. Upton believes that it is a great solution for school children who use the tiniest Pi in class for projects but later at home, they work on PCs and Mac. In this, you can download several applications for daily use. Though there are several other lightweight Linux operating systems that run on older PCs, the Pi Foundation aims to be user-friendly and much easier that provides several Linux apps for Pixel. By porting the OS onto desktop machines, it becomes easy to identify the problems of the operating system.
The Raspberry Pi foundation believes that this idea is perfect for school children, and hence it helps them to learn several programs and video apps. As the Pixel OS is still in the experimental stages, it is evident that many people are unable to run on all machines. To get rid of minor bug issues; they are determined to release more updates which would improve the working of the OS.
Users can download the experimental version of Debian+Pixel OS for all x86 platforms over here.